
I am a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst with many years of clinical experience and a distinguished career in psychiatric and psychoanalytic education and professional organizations. Although I closed my private office and retired from active practice at the end of July, 2011, I remain active in teaching, consultation, supervision, and professional writing.

The fundamental principle of my work with patients has been the value of integrating the scientific and clinical perspective of a psychiatric physician with the depth of psychoanalytic knowledge of mental life. We cannot separate mind and body in our work with patients. Medication can be very helpful, but it is often more effective in tandem with psychotherapy tailored to the needs of the individual and the particular nature of the difficulty. The integration of modern neurobiology with 120 years of psychoanalytic discovery is demonstrating how much the two sciences parallel each other in describing how the brain carries out mental and emotional functions, and how it can be changed with the careful, gradual process of individualized psychoanalytic therapy, bringing together the conscious and more unrecognized parts of mental life in a therapeutic relationship.

The following pages tell more about my thinking, my professional writings, and my extensive advocacy for access to highest quality in psychiatric and psychoanalytic care. This includes resisting adverse trends in the economic system of health care as well as in psychiatric and psychoanalytic training and practice. I hope the reader will feel free to contact me with any questions or comments about what you find here.

Norman Andrew (“Drew) Clemens, M.D.

7125 Bingham Ln. Apt. 307, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023-1180

Phone: Home (440) 247-7687. Mobile (216) 536-4399 (preferred)
Fax: (440) 247-7687
E-mail: naclemens@cs.com