Earlier Writings
Clemens, N.A., "Psychiatric Emergencies and the State Hospital System in Cleveland," Ohio State Medical Journal, 63: 907-911, 1967
Special contributing editor, Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, 2nd College Ed., World Publishing Co., New York and Cleveland, 1970
"Parish-Centered Continuing Education for Clergymen," pp.87-88, in Continuing Medical Education in Mental Health: Project Summaries, NIMH, 1974
Clemens, N.A., "An Intensive Course for Clergy on Death, Dying and Loss," Journal of Religion and Health, 15:223-229, 1976
Clemens, N.A., Corradi, R.B., and Wasman, M., "The Parish Clergy as a Mental Health Resource," Journal of Religion and Health, 17:227-232, 1978
Wasman, M., Corradi, R.B., and Clemens, N.A., "In-depth Continuing Education for Clergy in Mental Health: Ten Years of a Large Scale Program," Pastoral Psychology, 27:251-259, 1979
Clemens, N.A., "The Psychiatric Case Study," in Sudak, H., Ed., An Introduction to Clinical Psychiatry, Warren H. Green Publishing Co., St. Louis, 1985, pp.14-33
Clemens, N.A., "Marketing Psychotherapy in Psychiatric Practice," in Marketing Manual, Division of Economic Affairs, American Psychiatric Association, 1993
Clemens, N.A., review of Roth, A., and Fonagy, P., What Works for Whom?: a Critical Review of Psychotherapy Research, Psychiatric Services, 48: 1596-1597, 1997
Clemens, N.A., "The Future of Private Office Practice of Psychiatry in an Environment Dominated by Managed Care", in Lazarus, J., and Sharfstein, S., ed., New Roles for Psychiatrists in Organized Systems of Care, American Psychiatric Press, Inc., Washington, pp. 87-107, 1998
Clemens, N.A., Meyerson, A.T., “Should Clinical Training in Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy be Mandatory in Residency Training: A Debate”, Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research, 8:162-169, 1999