APA and other Experience in Psychiatry
American Psychiatric Association
- Fellow, 1969; Life Fellow, 1996; Distinguished Life Fellow, 2001
- Area 4 Trustee, 1997-2003
- Task Force on Vision for Future of Mental Health Care, 2002
- Subcommittee on Alternatives to Managed Care, 2002
- Committee on APA/Business Relationships, Chair, 2000-2006, overseeing APA‘s Business Initiative
- Committee on Executive and Officer Compensation, 2000-2002
- Commission/Committee on Psychotherapy by Psychiatrists, Chair, 1996-2000, member, 1995-2008
- Primary author, APA Resource Document, “Documentation of Psychotherapy by Psychiatrists”, 1999, updated 2002
- Chair, Task Force to Educate Members on Physician-Assisted Suicide, 1998-1999
- Speaker of the Assembly, 1994-95; Speaker-Elect, 1993-94; Recorder, 1992-93; Assembly Representative from Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association, 1988-92
- Led authorship of: Position Statement on Psychotherapy, 1995; Twelve Principles of Health Systems Reform, 1993; General Principles for Achieving Access to Health Care, 1995
- Joint Commission on Government Relations as Area IV Legislative Representative, 1991-1992
- Committee on Universal Access to Health Care, 1992-1999
- Committee on Financing and Marketing, member, 1986-1989, Assembly liaison 1989-1992
- Lifers Association, Bylaws Chair, 2010-2013, Trustee, 2013-2015
Senior Psychiatrists, Inc.
- Secretary 2014-2016
Ohio Psychiatric Association
- President 1986-1987
- Assembly Representative, 1988-1992
American College of Psychiatrists
- Member, 1998-2004, Fellow, 2005-2011, Emeritus Fellow, 2011-
Cleveland Academy of Medicine
- Board of Directors, 1984-1987
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
- Examiner, 1998-2002, 2011
Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry
- Psychotherapy Committee, 2009-presen
Journal of Psychiatric Practice
- Contributing Editor, 2001-2016 (Psychotherapy)
- Editorial Board, 2016-
Psychiatric Services
- Contributing Editor, 2004-2010
See also Psychoanalysis